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Sign me up: Quality with Wilcom in EMB is important to me.
  Are we even qualified for Wilcom / EMB?

Every single week, we digitize roughly between a 150 to 250 logos based on Wilcom, with EMB and sometimes with DST alone. Every single client had invariably come back to us saying that this has completely stopped all their previous problems with thread breaks and needle breaks. It is also noteworthy to learn that this has cleaned up their production performance by about 7 to 12 minutes on an average job. We hold particular expertise by digitizing using Wilcom along with high end equipments, to achieve the level of credibility and acknowledgment for our brand.

What makes us call ourselves as the artistic quality digitizing with Wilcom EMB format?

The best indicator of quality comes from users like yourselves than what we can say about us. These are the direct results of our artistic abilities powered by the latest professional version of Wilcom.

The latest verification on small text digitizing was done by Ralph in Minneapolis. Ralph had tested multiple digitizing companies and posted us with the scan of the sewouts. Here is Ralph's wordings:

"I am surprised that you were able to produce a much closer reproduction to the customer's original logo. Out of the 3 digitizing companies, your designs were about half an inch smaller, and 138 stitches lower, out of the 1274 stitch design. In my 20 years of experience, I had never seen a quality digitizing at this small a size. I am amazed.

From my personal observation, this is what we normally here when a person utilizes our service for the first time.

Sign Me Up. I challenge Abcoln to WOW me.
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Here are some samples that might help visualize the level of quality that you can expect and unquestionably demand from us.

How does this translate to providing something unique and valuable for your embroidery needs?

We take pride in continually updating ourselves with the latest cutting edge technologies and software products, every 3 months. This has enabled us to provide the best in line products before the competition

Abcoln is a pioneer in offering digitizing services, especially with the latest version of the software, which provides ways for us to take advantage of the latest advancements in machine technologies and software abilities. Our dedication to excellence has helped embroidery companies achieve a special status in their community. Word of mouth has happened for most Embroiderers and we have been praised repeatedly for this very reason.

Most recent Testimonial from an existing customer (Eric from Texas):

I have been meaning to let you all know that I am continually impressed with the work you provide. Specifically the DIAMET logo a week or so ago. That was the cleanest lettering I have seen in a long time. I look forward to seeing what else you all can pull off.

Sign Me Up. I challenge Abcoln to WOW me.
I need more details.

Here is a link to download the FREE Wilcom Viewer: Truesizer

Abcoln Fashions is constantly testing innovative ways to embroider using special effect embroidery.
Watch this website for the newest in custom embroidery digitizing.

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The sample embroidery pictures on this website are for illustration purposes only. They are copyrighted by the respective owners. To use them in whole or part in any way is strictly prohibited.
Copyright by Abcoln Fashions, 2007 - 2025. (All rights reserved)